Ársskýrsla Arnarlax 2022
Með tilvísun í tilkynningu okkar á hlutabréfamarkaðinn (https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/588917) þann 28.4.2023 um samþykkt lokaeintaki af ársskýrslu fyrirtækisins 2022
“We are proud to be part of the world’s global food supply market, and in 2022 we supplied more than 16,000 tonnes of sustainable salmon to consumers worldwide. This is the result of long-term planning and execution of our growth strategy, which was made possible with the dedication of our 177 employees, suppliers and customers.
“Our strong performance, coupled with continued high demand, sets us on a path for further success going forward,” said Bjørn Hembre, CEO of Icelandic Salmon og Arnarlax.
Skýrsluna má finna hér: Arnarlax – Annual report 2022