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ASC initial audit for Laugardalur farming site

During the week of 3-7 August, the initial audit for farm-site Laugardalur will be made by a third party. Today Arnarlax has ASC certification on three farmsites in Arnarfjordur: Haganes, Steinanes, Hringsdalur and Eyri in Patreksfjordur

ASC (Aquaculture stewardship council) certifies environmentally and socially responsible seafood which confirms that certified farmsite is farming salmon in responsible way against the environment and community. Does Arnarlax need to undergo an extensive certification process and meet many requirements to get certified.

Information about ASC can be found here and the latest version of the standard here.

Further information can be provided by Silja Baldvinsdóttir, Quality manager of Arnarlax.
